Friday, October 16, 2009

Subway Guy

So on a cold wintry night in 2005 I took a bus and then a train back to my little piece of independence condo on the north end of the city. I was dating my ex then and well not that happy. He drank too much, he paid little attention to me and the time we did spend together much of it dwelled upon his sour depressive mood or his lack of money. Fun times for a girl like me in her early twenties. I spent a lot of my commute time home thinking about all kinds of what if's.

What if I had a better job?
What if I dated someone else?
What if I became more healthy?

So on this wintry night I was in the middle of one of my what if moments thinking, what if I had a boyfriend who actually drove me home instead of dropping me off at a bus stop?! I was interrupted by the glare/stare of a man with many instrument cases. At first I wondered if he was really looking at me or if I was paranoid. Then I wondered if I had something on my face. Then I wondered why he wouldn't stop. By the time I got to the subway platform we were standing beside each other and I looked at him again and met his eyes and he said "Hi" Intrigued by the sheer number of instruments he was carrying, I asked, "what instrument do you play?"
We chatted and I learned he was a music teacher at the music store that I used to work for. In my mind this gave him some kind of credibility and I loosened up a bit.

At my station, I got up and left. No information was exchanged and truth be told, I just didn't know how to do any of that. Besides I wasn't single, and wasn't that wrong? I couldn't shake how satisfying that conversation was. There was humour, intelligence, and a softness that was missing from my life. I phoned my best friend and told him, "If I only had the guts to break up with ex, I could meet more guys like that..." He agreed and encouraged me to break up with ex, but instead I continued to torture myself for another year.

The inevitable happened and ex and I became exactly that... ex's. A good friend attempting to get me out of my post break up funk insistently invited me to a party on the east end. I thought... I just want to curl up under the covers and cry a little... and good friend would not have any of it. It had been a month and according to him it was time for my hibernation to end. At the party, one year later I met him again. Subway guy, he was there. We recognized each other and talked all night. Even more satisfying then the last time we met one year ago we talked and laughed the night away.

Subway guy and I began to date, got engaged and well subway guy became Hubby.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sometimes I learn, sometime I don't.

When I learn:

This past Thanksgiving weekend was a success! I thought, what do I want out of this weekend and came to the following list:

1. Catch up with family
2. Indulge in some festive tradition
3. Relax
4. Volunteer
5. Not stress out or get sick

Success! My list was accomplished. On Friday, hubby and I went to sis by law's condo and celebrated with all the fixin's. It had all the things that a get together with in-laws for Thanksgiving should have. It rained, there was traffic, there was stress, there was akward conversation and even more akward jokes and hubby was happy. The last one is the most important. I made it, I survived it and all in all little damage was done.

Saturday came the time to relax time and I decided to do this on Queen St. I walked most of the way from Logan to Ossington taking the street car only through Regent Park. It was a great day of bakery visitng, vintage sale shopping, cooking magazine reading in an indepentdent espresso cafe, and ending the night we some of the best pizza that I have found in the city to date.

Sunday we visited my folks which was bliss and relaxing. Great food, great company, lots of belly laughs and good times.

Monday I volunteered at the food bank with a buddy and had a really good time seeing what it was like and participating in the action. This might just be an annual thing for me. What I didn't do on Monday was go to the farm! I get sick every year and thought, this year... no... I won't be ignored or taken seriously. Yes allergies do exsit and no taking little white pills is not the answer. How about if you want to spend time with me we don't do it in a barn?

All in all, my list was accomplished and the weekend was a smashing success.

When I don't learn:

Circa 1984 my mother came up to my bedroom where I was playing with an assortment of my toys and told me she had something very exciting to show me. She then took my hand and showed me to our newly finished basement with loads of shelves for my toys and a brand new carpet had been installed. She exclaimed, "this is your new playroom!"

Confused I said, "okay?" My mother then said I should go upstairs and bring all and I repeat ALL my toys downstairs to fill the shelves. I had some apprehension about this because even at that young tender age my instinct was telling me that there was something about putting all my eggs in one basket might not be a great idea. My mother reassured me that this was a great idea and I should be happy and go right away and start bringing toys downstairs.

Well I did. The next day I lost my footing and took a tumble down the basement stairs and although it stung I was okay. My parents nearly had a freak out and decided the basement stairs were way too steep and dangerous for a little person like me. That is when the latch happened. That's right. They locked the basement door that led to ALL my toys. I exclaimed "you tricked me! you tricked me!!" to which I was met with smiles and laughter and then... ignored. Ahhh, excuse me, all my toys are behind the locked door and you are okay with this???

Fast forward to circa 2009. Hubby says to me, "you have a lot of music there on your computer. You should back that up on our server. You should put ALL your music on the server." Now I knew I had heard this word "all" before and it had led to nothing good. Hubby assured me that this was a good idea. So I spent the 6 hours or whatever it took to transfer all my music to the server. Then he came over to my computer and showed me how to log on to the server to access the music. Then he erased all the music from my computer.

I never learn.

Now the server is down, and burried behind some jungle of wires that I don't even want to discuss. I don't know how to fix it, hubby is to tired/hungry/busy to fix and once again all my toys are behind a locked door. Again, I exclaim, "I was tricked!!" to which again, I was met with smiles and laughter. Did I mention that the server is hooked up to hubby's computer and hubby still has all his toys pefectly fine with TWO screens that are larger then our television to view his toys on. Where is the justice I ask you?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh dear, I have neglected by lil' blog

No one reads this, so really no harm done.

Lots and lots to update on...

WE ARE MOVING!! The dream, the dream has come true. Hubby and I are moving downtown to Queen St. West Queen West is what this trendy neighbourhood is called, but I'm not into the trend and prefer to call it by its more traditional name, Village of Beaconsfield. I now search for historical black and white photos of the neighbourhood to hang in our brand new shiny loft. We will be moving next summer and only have that small detail of having to sell the condo and move temporarily somewhere while we wait for the loft to be ready. Who knew the area you could not keep me away from in my early teens would be my new home in my early thirties?!

We renewed our opera subscription this year again and I am so thrilled. It is truly the one extra that I really do not want to give up. It is the COC's diamond anniversary so this year is packed with really cool operas. We saw Madama Butterfly which was great. Japanese characters singing in Italian with English surtitles. It was magnificient! Originally it was two acts which was not well recieved back in the day and it got stretched into three. I think ole' Puccinni knew what he was doing the first time as we found it dragged a bit... We ate sushi before the show to pay proper respects to the Japanese flavour of the event.

Lots and lot of soups have been happening in the Forest kitchen. Butternut squash pear, heirloom vegetable, sweet potato ginger, ham hoc and white bean, chicken noodle, ... soon I will be experimenting with bacon and potato soup... lots of fun and hubby has been enjoying all the variety.

Thanksgiving is on the horizon... what adventures will happen this year?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Top Albums of My Life in Biographical Order

So this entry is a little combination of the beginnings of a sound track of my life, one of my favourite movies, High Fidelity, and a Facebook chain note that has been circling the web at the moment.

Top Albums of My Life In Biographical Order (so far... )

1 She's So Unusual, Cyndi Lauper
2 Private Dance Tour, Tina Turner
3 Colour by Numbers, Boy George
4 Like a Virgin, Madonna
5 Mariah Carey, Mariah Carey
6 Hangin' Tough, New Kids on the Block
7 Janet, Janet Jackson
8 Thriller , Michael Jackson
9 Dangerous , Michael Jackson
10 Get a Grip, Aerosmith
11 Very Necessary , Salt-n-Pepa
12 Frogstomp, Silver Chair
13 Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, Smashing Pumpkins
14 What's the Story Morning Glory, Oasis
15 Thowing Copper , Live
16 Nevermind, Nirvana
17 Jagged Little Pill , Alanis Morisetter
18 Tigerlily, Natilie Merchant
19 Tragic Kingdom, No Doubt
20 Pieces of You, Jewel
21 Forever and Ever Amen, Ben Folds Five
22 Abbey Road , Beatles
23 Legends, Bob Marley
24 Live at Luther College, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
25 Before these Crowded Streets, Dave Matthews Band
26 Kid A , Radiohead
27 Parachuttes, Coldplay
28 White Ladder , David Gray
29 Tourist , St. Germain
30 Best of, Janis Joplin
31 Electric Ladyland, Jimi Hendrix
32 Room for Squares , John Mayer
33 You Forgot it in People, Broken Social Scene
34 Let it Die , Fiest
35 Melanie, Melanie
36 Release the Stars , Rufus Wainwright
37 Naturally, Sharon Jones
38 The Budos Band II, Budos Band
39 Back to Black, Amy Winehouse
40 The Dreamer, Jose James
41 The Sweet Vandals, Sweet Vandals

Monday, February 23, 2009


There are certain people in your life that you never think will die. I mean you know that everyone has to sometime, but somehow this minor detail seems to get lost in all the joy.

I remember that rainy night in Waterloo when my still developing at the time and now best friend and I were getting to know each other. We lay on beds on opposite sides of the room and he asked me to close my eyes while he played me his favourite band. It was Live at Luther and the percussive style guitar resonated with something very deep inside of me. I fell in love.

Later he showed me other albums and that is when I met Leroi. He made me fall in love with the saxophone. So much so, that I even rented one years later and tried to learn... The sweet melodies he would play filled my soul. I had the opportunity to see him live 18 times and every time was magical.

Ironically he passed away suddenly on my hubby's birthday. The man who made me fall in love with saxophone died on the anniversary of the day the man I fell in love with who plays saxophone was born. It may sound silly, but I do think that Leroi had a hand in connecting me and my hubby.

Now the summer tour dates have been announced, the new album is out in April and the quint is a quart. The right side of the stage will seem empty and the album will sound... well I don't know how it will sounds, I let you know in April.

Dear Leroi. You were deeply loved by so many and will be missed. Your fan, Me.

Friday, February 20, 2009

First Goal Met

Yesterday I accomplished the first challenge of my fitness goals.
I got the towel at Hart House to fit around me after a shower.
I knew that this would be a true measure (as opposed to weight
on a scale) that I am infact actually getting smaller.

It's happening! It's really happening! Hubby notices too that
I am getting much more firmer and shrinking. Yay!

I went salsa dancing with a friend last night and I am not meant
to salsa dance. I went for my friend and to try something newish.
There was a lesson before the night started and I really liked our
teacher. However, once the music started I could barely keep up for
one song. This is an activity that was not meant for this little girl.
It was fun to learn something new though.

It snowed last night and while I was walking home from the bus
stop it felt like I was in a snow globe. The snow glittered as
it fell and the sky was so pretty. The snow was soft and light
and I kicked it all the way home. I made fresh tracks of snow
and realized how rare it is to get to lay fresh tracks down in
the city.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nota Bene

Last night hubby and I went to check out Rusalka. Our first Czech opera and it was interesting, but not what we expected. There were definite cool moments and the set design was quite amazing.

Before the show we tried a new restaurant for us called Nota Bene. I must confess that when I heard the executive chef there was David Lee, I slightly pushed for this to be the restaurant pick for the night.

It was exquisite!!! My first David Lee meal and boy oh boy did it live up to my every expectation (Unlike Rusalka...)

The atmosphere of the environment was perfect. Sweet Vandals and St. Germain on the stereo, business young professionals grabbing a cocktail on their way home and lovely lighting. Not too bright, not too dark. The restaurant was a buzz and full, yet I could whisper to hubby and have a private conversation. We sat in a recessed booth in the lounge that allowed us to have a lovely view of Queen St. while we ate, yet the privacy to have a few kisses too. Amazing!!!

The service was impeccable! No upselling, no pretentiousness, no snobbery, no judgement, no being in our faces either! Just good old fashion attention when we need it and knowledgeable recommendations when asked. Oh! and they didn't force bottled water down our throats either!

The food. THE FOOD! Oh my goodness... THE FOOOOODDD!!! It was devine. I imagine that is what it is like to eat in heaven everyday. For starters I had the tuna tartare with avocado and crispy shallots. It looked like art and tasted like an event that was happening on my tongue. Incredible. Hubby had butter nut squash soup with pecans. Delicious, not too big, not too small... Goldi-freaking-locks perfect. For mains I had the short ribs and hubby had the mushroom pasta. Both perfect in every way and so delicious. For dessert, caramel pudding with vanilla and citrus. It very truly was the perfect finish.

I left feeling so happy and content and thought, that was pleasantly uneventful, until one of the servers bumped into me and an entire tray of glasses smashed on to the floor. That made it an official me event, and hubby embarrassed, yet lovingly let me know it was okay. Apparently I left my grace somewhere and have yet to find it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Others Best = My Worst

Two of the most strongest muscles in your body, or so I have been told are your core, stomach, belly, middle junk... whatever you want to call it, and your back.

Both of these muscles just happen to suck on my body. So I have decided I need to change this and stop just going to the gym without purpose or goals. So... I am now swimming four days a week, strength training for two and doing some restorative yoga cause I need that at the end of the week. So far I have lost a pound and a half. I'm in agonizing pain, but none the less a pound and a half less of me.

I have decided I want to loose 50 pounds. I know this sounds crazy but I am committed and going to keep it off. If I can kick habits like smoking and excessive diet coke drinking, then I can do this!!!

I dream of the day when my future children say things like, remember when you first met Mommy Daddy? When she used to be fat? Ah, nothing like good old fashion child like honesty.

Okay, so I have a plan, I have goals and I even developed my own scoring system. This has a chance. It has structure, it is personalized and it has a goal...

A perfect score is 10. This week I scored 4. I am hoping that most weeks end up at a 8 or 9. We will see how I do!