Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sometimes I learn, sometime I don't.

When I learn:

This past Thanksgiving weekend was a success! I thought, what do I want out of this weekend and came to the following list:

1. Catch up with family
2. Indulge in some festive tradition
3. Relax
4. Volunteer
5. Not stress out or get sick

Success! My list was accomplished. On Friday, hubby and I went to sis by law's condo and celebrated with all the fixin's. It had all the things that a get together with in-laws for Thanksgiving should have. It rained, there was traffic, there was stress, there was akward conversation and even more akward jokes and hubby was happy. The last one is the most important. I made it, I survived it and all in all little damage was done.

Saturday came the time to relax time and I decided to do this on Queen St. I walked most of the way from Logan to Ossington taking the street car only through Regent Park. It was a great day of bakery visitng, vintage sale shopping, cooking magazine reading in an indepentdent espresso cafe, and ending the night we some of the best pizza that I have found in the city to date.

Sunday we visited my folks which was bliss and relaxing. Great food, great company, lots of belly laughs and good times.

Monday I volunteered at the food bank with a buddy and had a really good time seeing what it was like and participating in the action. This might just be an annual thing for me. What I didn't do on Monday was go to the farm! I get sick every year and thought, this year... no... I won't be ignored or taken seriously. Yes allergies do exsit and no taking little white pills is not the answer. How about if you want to spend time with me we don't do it in a barn?

All in all, my list was accomplished and the weekend was a smashing success.

When I don't learn:

Circa 1984 my mother came up to my bedroom where I was playing with an assortment of my toys and told me she had something very exciting to show me. She then took my hand and showed me to our newly finished basement with loads of shelves for my toys and a brand new carpet had been installed. She exclaimed, "this is your new playroom!"

Confused I said, "okay?" My mother then said I should go upstairs and bring all and I repeat ALL my toys downstairs to fill the shelves. I had some apprehension about this because even at that young tender age my instinct was telling me that there was something about putting all my eggs in one basket might not be a great idea. My mother reassured me that this was a great idea and I should be happy and go right away and start bringing toys downstairs.

Well I did. The next day I lost my footing and took a tumble down the basement stairs and although it stung I was okay. My parents nearly had a freak out and decided the basement stairs were way too steep and dangerous for a little person like me. That is when the latch happened. That's right. They locked the basement door that led to ALL my toys. I exclaimed "you tricked me! you tricked me!!" to which I was met with smiles and laughter and then... ignored. Ahhh, excuse me, all my toys are behind the locked door and you are okay with this???

Fast forward to circa 2009. Hubby says to me, "you have a lot of music there on your computer. You should back that up on our server. You should put ALL your music on the server." Now I knew I had heard this word "all" before and it had led to nothing good. Hubby assured me that this was a good idea. So I spent the 6 hours or whatever it took to transfer all my music to the server. Then he came over to my computer and showed me how to log on to the server to access the music. Then he erased all the music from my computer.

I never learn.

Now the server is down, and burried behind some jungle of wires that I don't even want to discuss. I don't know how to fix it, hubby is to tired/hungry/busy to fix and once again all my toys are behind a locked door. Again, I exclaim, "I was tricked!!" to which again, I was met with smiles and laughter. Did I mention that the server is hooked up to hubby's computer and hubby still has all his toys pefectly fine with TWO screens that are larger then our television to view his toys on. Where is the justice I ask you?

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