Friday, February 20, 2009

First Goal Met

Yesterday I accomplished the first challenge of my fitness goals.
I got the towel at Hart House to fit around me after a shower.
I knew that this would be a true measure (as opposed to weight
on a scale) that I am infact actually getting smaller.

It's happening! It's really happening! Hubby notices too that
I am getting much more firmer and shrinking. Yay!

I went salsa dancing with a friend last night and I am not meant
to salsa dance. I went for my friend and to try something newish.
There was a lesson before the night started and I really liked our
teacher. However, once the music started I could barely keep up for
one song. This is an activity that was not meant for this little girl.
It was fun to learn something new though.

It snowed last night and while I was walking home from the bus
stop it felt like I was in a snow globe. The snow glittered as
it fell and the sky was so pretty. The snow was soft and light
and I kicked it all the way home. I made fresh tracks of snow
and realized how rare it is to get to lay fresh tracks down in
the city.

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