Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Living the dream by the vows

The dream is here.
The moment has arrived.
Is it everything I thought it would be?

...well, I do admit I did picture it a little less sweaty, but yes in a nutshell, it's home.

After months and months of waiting our loft on the west end of the city is ready and ours. We moved in rather smoothly and are now in the process of unwrapping, de-boxing, and taking all the pieces of flat packing and assembling it into tiny pieces of what we hope to be our future history.

The look of how we want to decorate I have begun to refer to as "The Decorating Challenge." I like the word challenge better then compromise which is really what the challenge is all about. Compromise sounds like something where you end up settling for something that you actually didn't want, BUT at the end of a challenge horns play and an angelic choir sings VICTORY! This is so much more satisfying.

Hubby and I have been exercising our marriage vows lately (better/worse, richerer/poorer, sickness/health...) in the most literal of ways. After the move was over it was time to take the money we saved and go on a tiny shopping spree. We both agreed on what we needed to buy, but size, brand, colour, model? We decided to buy what we thought was better and hope that the worst would leave us alone. Buying better did weigh in on the riches which is now poor, but not the worst. After all the decisions were made and all the money spent I got sick. Really sick. Everything had to stop for a little over a week while I was on the mend and Hubby took care of me. He did a great job too!

Now I'm better and we are back to the flat pack boxes that were delivered to our new home and are very excited to get them up and going. Personally one of the ones I am most excited about is our new window coverings! After all a girl should be able to walk from her bedroom to the bathroom in her undies if she wants to.

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