Monday, December 1, 2008

Injury to Insult

Okay... so not only did my stove give out.
Not only was the old stove hot wired.
Not only did I have to stare at a brand new stove that I couldn't use.
Not only did an entire weekend go by without any cooking!
Not only did I miss the highlight of my week, which is the trip to the butcher and market.
Not only did I eat frozen dinners that tasted like the plastic that it was packed in.

... but

My SWEET little roaster was in the oven drawer of my ole' Admiral that got taken to the scrap yard!!!

I only realized this as I went to roast a beautiful ham hock that I had picked up at the butcher's on Saturday.

I understand that I can be insensibly emotional at times and this is a quality my dear hubby has learned to be patient with and accept... but not my SWEET LITTLE ROASTER!!! (fights back tears)

Hubby said we can get a new one... and my ham hocks sits patiently in the fridge waiting for me to sort it out.

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