Thursday, January 22, 2009

Others Best = My Worst

Two of the most strongest muscles in your body, or so I have been told are your core, stomach, belly, middle junk... whatever you want to call it, and your back.

Both of these muscles just happen to suck on my body. So I have decided I need to change this and stop just going to the gym without purpose or goals. So... I am now swimming four days a week, strength training for two and doing some restorative yoga cause I need that at the end of the week. So far I have lost a pound and a half. I'm in agonizing pain, but none the less a pound and a half less of me.

I have decided I want to loose 50 pounds. I know this sounds crazy but I am committed and going to keep it off. If I can kick habits like smoking and excessive diet coke drinking, then I can do this!!!

I dream of the day when my future children say things like, remember when you first met Mommy Daddy? When she used to be fat? Ah, nothing like good old fashion child like honesty.

Okay, so I have a plan, I have goals and I even developed my own scoring system. This has a chance. It has structure, it is personalized and it has a goal...

A perfect score is 10. This week I scored 4. I am hoping that most weeks end up at a 8 or 9. We will see how I do!